Challenges Faced in Hip Hop Dance Classes

Hip Hop is one of the most energetic dance forms with its expressive movements. Many across the world are captivated by the immersive dance style. Whether you are someone who is new to hip-hop dancing or have a bit of rhythm already, taking hip-hop dance classes can be fun. The problem is that like mastering any dancing skills, hip hop dancing has its own challenges. You need to understand the challenges faced in hip hop dance classes to start this journey. 

To better prepare you for this journey, we will tell you about the common challenges ace in hip hop dance classes. We will also tell you how to overcome these challenges to excel in this dance form. 

1. Building For Stamina & Endurance 

Hip hop is a physically demanding dancing art that requires much stamina & endurance. The routines are very fast paced with the dancer moving his body continuously. This is especially overwhelming for new hip hop dancers. You must build your stamina slowly with simple cardiovascular exercises. These exercises include cycling & jogging. With enough practice, the body starts to develop tolerance to hip hop dancing. 

Read: Hip Hop Dancing Classes – A Social Dance Style

Hip Hop Dancing Classes – A Social Dance Style

2. Body Needs Strength & Flexibility

Performing any hip-hop move requires adequate flexibility & bodily strength. There are moves like break dancing, popping & locking – all requiring a range of motion & muscle strength. Make a routine of stretching exercises & strength training to work those muscles & tendons. activities like Pilates & yoga give the body flexibility & core strength necessary for hip hop dancing. When taking hip hop classes at Melodica, the instructors add these exercises into the sessions for students to develop their muscle strength & flexibility. 

3. Hip Hop Moves Are Complex To Learn 

The choreography of hip hop is complex with multiple moves done in quick succession. To learn all these moves in a sequence can be a little challenging for a new dancer. To fix this issue, you need to break your dancing steps into smaller segments & practice them daily. Daily practice of these segments that you find comfortable doing, will allow you to build muscle memory. Take dance classes at Melodica where instructions are experts at breaking down hard dance routines to offer better choreography guidance. 

4. Timing & Rhythm Are Hard To Control 

For hip hop dancers, it is very important to keep time with the ongoing music & maintain their rhythm as per the beat. For those who do not have rhythm in their body can face difficulty when learning hip hop. To develop this rhythm in your body, listen to hip hop beats & tap your feet to the beat of the music. Start practicing basic rhythm routines with the use of a metronome. 

5. You Get Stage Fright 

To start learning to dance out of the blue and coming to the dance studio for the first time feels scary. This fear of judgment from others can decrease your progress & take the fun out of dancing. What you need to remember is that every person there with you in class is learning to dance. Most of them are focused on bettering their own choreography moves. Join the dancing community with a positive mindset and with a focus on personal growth. Join dance classes at Melodica where there is a sense of community to overcome these social fears. 

Read: Hip Hop Dance Classes for Beginners

Hip Hop Dance Classes for Beginners

6. Practicing Daily Can Be A Challenge 

Hip Hop is a complex dance art form and it requires consistency from you. However, balancing your life as a dancer with your daily routine life as a student or a family person can be challenging. You can fix this by dedicating some time of your routine life to fit some practice time. Even, if at the start, it takes very little time but if it’s done regularly, it can make a significant change. you find flexible dance class schedules at Melodica to help with coming up with practice time. 

7. You Can’t Find the Right Dance Classes

To be able to choose a dancing class that can match your skill level is very critical. To be part of a class that is either less challenging or too advanced can lower your learning experience. Do your own research into various hip hop dance classes available near you. Choose the one that fits your skill level & lifestyle. 

Our Final Thoughts 

Hip Hop dance is like any other dance form having many challenges. However, one can easily fix these challenges by taking a proactive approach to address them. Remember, that a supportive environment is the best way to learn hip hop dancing & make the whole experience enjoyable. Melodica Music & Dance Academy is known for having the most supportive dancing community with flexible class schedules. They address any dancer; whether novice or advanced. To learn more information on hip hop dancing & other dance classes; visit our Music & Dance Academy.

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