Tips on How to Dance Hip Hop Dance

Dancing is an art; just like any art, it can only be mastered by practicing it repeatedly until you become familiar with everything. Some people dance as a hobby, and some as a professional full-time job. Hip Hop is a free-style dance that can be learned if you focus on each and every move and try to practice as often as you can. There are some basic moves that all beginners should learn.

The basics of how to dance hip hop dance

The next moves should be learned by all beginners in their Hip Hop Dance Classes:

  1. The Monastery
  2. Happy Feet
  3. How to do the moonwalk
  4. The Chest Pop
  5. The Arm Wave
  6. The dip and step
  7. The James Brown dance
  8. The Criss Cross
  9. The Hip Pull
  10. How to the Dougie
  11. The Gliding dance step
  12. How to do the robot


When practicing, remember that Hip Hop is all about isolating different body parts, so make certain you know which body parts need to be moved first and in what sequence they need to be moved. Once you have practiced and mastered the above-mentioned moves, you can combine them to master more difficult Hip Hop moves.

It’s all about attitude.

Hip Hop is about selling your performance and making people wow. You should focus on every move that you make, and you need to be very confident about every move that you make.

Learn the basics first.

People try to learn advanced moves because they think the basic moves are simple and they don’t need to learn them. If you master the basics with focused practice and try to give them as much time as possible, your dancing will be much better. Learning the basics well makes it much easier for you to work on the intermediate and expert moves. So, rather than skipping the basics, work on them as much as possible.

Practice how to Dance Hip Hop Dance

People who are experts of Hip Hop dancing are experts because of their focused and regular practice routine. If you don’t practice, you will not master the moves. The point is to practice whenever you are free. By doing this, the moves will get into your memory, and the muscles will move independently.


Join Melodica & Learn Hip Hop Dance classes in Dubai

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