Fun Facts About Music
‘’Happy Birthday To You’’ is the most beloved song in the world used in movies and public performances. This was a copyright song until 2016 when a court ruling made it a Public Domain. This means anyone can use it and sing it without any legal trouble.
You will be surprised to know that the ‘’largest playable guitar in the world’’ is over 13 meters long and has a weight of 2255 pounds. Yes, it is playable but I tell you in advance, it will be quite a trick to carry it to a gig.
Some medical studies have concluded that metal heads (fans of metal music) are the most relaxed and happy people. Listening to heavy metal lowers the stress even if it’s pure chaos.
In 2019, 600+ pianists gathered in India and collectively played on their pianos. They broke the world record for the ‘’Largest group piano performance’’. Just imagine the melodic sound of the 600+ pianos playing in harmony.
There is a song that never ends – this is a music project called ‘’Longplayer’’. It is designed to play continuously for 1000 years without ever repeating, it started back in 2000 and is slated to finish in 2999, if the Earth still exists that is.
Studies conclusively prove that dancing releases certain endorphins that boost your mood.
One of the great piano composers of all time, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart who started composing at 5 years old was a prankster too. He even wrote a prank song titled ‘’Leck Mich Im Arsch’’ – you should look for the translation yourself.
Guitars these days are associated with Rock Star but back in the 19th century, this was not the cast. This instrument back then was a ladies’ instrument built the perception changed with rock and blues genres.
Musical instruments can come with a huge price tag but nothing comes close to the ‘’Vieuxtemps Guarneri Violin’’. This invaluable piece of the 18th century was sold at an auction price of $18 million. It was too fine of a piece that it was given on a lifetime loan to a professional violinist rather than being in confinement.
The longest piano concert was held over for 27 hours – just imagine the sheer discipline and dedication of the pianists.
The world’s most expensive piano named, ‘’Crystal Piano’’ was sold for a price tag of $3.2 million.
You will be greatly surprised to know that the modern drums have a history that dates back to 7000+ years. Yes, this is one of the oldest musical instruments known to man.
The very first electric guitar in the world was manufactured back in 1931. It was called the ‘’Frying Pan’’ because of its round metallic body.
Did you know that a single piano has more parts than a car? Yes, a grand piano has 12000+ individual parts – all of them working in sync to create rich musical sounds.
Being a ballet dancer comes at a huge cost for shoes. Your typical ballet dancer has to go through 3 pairs of Pointe shoes a week whereas a professional ballet dancer uses 100+ shoes a year.
Everyone thinks that the Moonwalk was a dance move invented by the King Of Pop ‘Michael Jackson’’. However, it was first done in the 1930s by a tap dancer named Cab Calloway.
Breakdancing was a dance form that started in the streets and alleys of New York City back in the 1970s. In 2024, it was entered into the Olympics as an official sport.
Tango was a dance that was once considered a scandalous dance due to its close body contact. In the modern world, this is now considered one of the most elegant dances.
The word ‘’Drum’’ has an etymology of the Middle Dutch word ‘’Tromme’’ meaning resound.
The oldest musical instrument in the world is the Neanderthal Flute which dates back to almost 60000 years. They were made from animal bones.