Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You

If ever your parents have enrolled you in a music school, you might have fought with them because you don’t want to go. However, your parents are right;

According to psychological studies, music lessons has some great benefits; like music lessons develop you mind mind. It has been found that kids who are involved in music lessons have great cognitive skills, ambitious and open.

However, here we want to discuss all the neurological benefits that your kid can take from music lessons. This is a fact that a lot of kids are not getting proper music education in their schools even in some developed countries.

Improved Verbal and Reading Skills:

Improved Verbal and Reading Skills:

According to studies, there is a strong relationship between the language processing and pitch processing. According to a research in Northwestern University, five skills can boost your language learning abilities; i.e. speech-in-noise perception, phonological awareness, auditory working memory, rhythm perception and sound pattern learning ability. The study also revealed that music lessons can polish all these skills.

Improves your mathematical and spatial-temporal reasoning

Improves your mathematical and spatial-temporal reasoning - Melodica Blog Article

Music and mathematics have a great relationship. It has been proved that kids who take music classes are also good in Mathematics. The reasons behind this is the good abstract spatial-temporal skills that the young kids gain. According to PBS education, these skills are very important for solving the complex problems related to math, engineering, gaming, art, architecture and mostly when working with computers.

Helps your grades

Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You - Improve Grades

According to another research done in by Christopher Johnson, professor of music therapy and music education in the University of Kansas, found that schools with quality music education has 20% higher score in English, while 20% higher in Mathematics. In 2013, the same results were found. The scores of students were measured and students with music education had great results than those who were involved in other extracurriculars.

Raises your IQ

Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You - Raises Your IQ

Researchers founded that music education can increase your kid’s IQ level. They found that musicians generally have good IQ level. It does not mean that if you are get music education you will be smarter than those who don’t, but if you involve in music classes it will make you smarter than you would be without music education/classes.

Help you learn languages more quickly

Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You - Helps your Learn Languages

Children who start studying music get the extraordinary linguistic abilities. They get the most complex vocabularies; moreover, they have the best understanding of grammar. These benefits help your child to learn their first language as well as any language that your kid will try to learn.

Makes You a Better Listener

Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You - Helps your Learn Languages - Makes you better Listener

Musical training will make you the most sensitive listener. People who attends music classes have the slower fall in their peripheral hearing. They have less cocktail party problems, as most of the people have problem in differentiating among different voices.

Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You - Helps your Learn Languages - Makes you better Listener - Slow the Effect of Aging

Music training can make your cognitive-decline delayed. Music is an effective way to get rid of dementia. A research in Emory University says that music can improve the object naming, rapid mental processing, visuospatial memory. The researchers added that the musician have to play music instruments for at least 10 years to get these benefits.

Improves your working memory

Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You - Helps your Learn Languages - Makes you better Listener - Improve your Working Memory

Playing music may significantly change your working memory. It means, the more you practice the musical instruments, the stronger will be your working memory. It has been proved by a research in 2013 that music practice has a deep association with memory processing speed.

Improves your long-term memory for visual stimuli

Music classes may improve your long-term memory. According to some researchers at the University of Texas showed that musicians who have been playing music for more than 15 years have long term memory. Moreover, with music the extraordinary visual sensitivity is achieved but this is applicable only for those musicians who learn to play while reading music.

Makes you better at managing anxiety

Makes you better at managing anxiety - Better at Managing Anxiety

The researchers have found that playing musical instruments have a very positive impact on brains as it accelerates cortical organization in attention abilities, emotional control and anxiety management.

Enhances your Self-confidence and Self-esteem

Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You - Self Esteem and Self Confidence

Enhances your kid’s self-esteem and self-confidence. According to a study in 2004 when some students of fourth grade were split in two groups. One group received weekly musical instructions. Those who played weekly got a significant score in self-esteem test. And you might be aware of the benefits of self-esteem that it can help children to develop and grow in many areas not necessarily academic but also non-academic fields.

Makes you More Creative

Music Lessons: The Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You - Makes your Creative

As you know that music is itself a creative activity so people who attend music classes are more creative than those who are not. Moreover, music classes can also increase the communication power between your left and right hemispheres of brain. Besides, musicians has very good divergent thinking and have the ability to collect information from some unexpected ways.

Melodica music Center is the best music school in Dubai UAE, for all kind of music classes like piano, guitar, violin, vocal, drums, saxophone and ukulele etc. Visit and get a free music class today.

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